Blue Lace Agate Wire Tree on Cedar

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Blue Lace Agate is a comforting healing stone to keep nearby when suffering from a cold, flu, strep throat, or other common illnesses.  It’s calm, cooling energy is a balm to the spirit, helping us to stay calm, tolerate bravely, and take sensible action to sooth and heal.  Blue Lace Agate encourages us to take time off and truly rest.  If necessary, it motivates us to visit the doctor and take our medicine like good girls and boys.  Its energy gives us around-the-clock self-soothing care, in the same tradition of countless generations of loving mothers and grandmothers.  Blue Lace Agate is also a comforting talisman for situations involving broken bones or bone disorders, as well as for problems with the pancreas, shoulders, neck and throat.


8 inches tall

6 inches wide